The Gift of Hope

Because GOD is faithful, we have Hope! Scripture: Psalm 16; Judges 17:6, 21:25; Genesis 25:29-34; Exodus 29:40-41; Leviticus 23:13; Numbers 15:5-7; Philippians 2:17; 2 Timothy 4:6; Psalms 1:1; Proverbs 1:5, […]

Security Comes From Knowing God

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We were privileged to hear from Pastor Nate Millican who used to be our lead pastor and is now a pastor at Graceland Church, as well as serving on the […]

Divine Adoption

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God looked down on the hopelessness of humanity, and He took action by sending forth His Son, for the intended purpose of redeeming His people, with the desired result of […]

Ambassadors for Christ

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We were privileged to hear from Pastor Bryan Catherman who is the pastor at Redeeming Life Church in Salt Lake City, Utah, as he talks about being Ambassadors for Christ, […]

Persistent Prayer

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God is a good Father who answers persistent prayer. In this passage, Jesus teaches us how to pray and the daily petitions we should bring before God. We see God […]

Lead Elder Installation Service

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After months of searching for the will of God, the church has now affirmed Brian McCoy as the new Lead Elder of Foothills Baptist Church. This is the installation service […]

Unacceptable Love Part 2

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Before a parent would die for their child, they die to self. Love is not first found in the big outward acts of dying for another person, but inwardly dying […]

Unacceptable Love Part 1

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Jesus calls His people to love one another with a supernatural love, so much so as to joyfully participate in one another’s pursuit of holiness. Scripture: John 1:1-17

Pure & Undefiled Religion

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God has called His people to pick up the weapon of pure and undefiled religion in the spiritual war that Satan has declared on children. Pure and undefiled religion is […]

Do You Remember the Time?

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The Scriptures teach a theology of remembrance, meaning part of our calling as Christians is to daily, hourly remember who Jesus is and who we are in Him. Remembering is […]