The Annie Armstrong Offering

Global missions has always been part of the work God has called our church to embrace. From the beginning, as a Southern Baptist church, we’ve financially supported the sending of nearly 5,000 missionaries across the world, and have even commissioned teams from our church in Ahwatukee.

Embracing the belief that lost people matter to God means we continue to prioritize our time and resources towards the needs of people outside of our church. Our most recent step into global missions is our partnership with long-term workers in Southeast Asia to reach people who’ve never heard the Gospel.

Lost people matter to God and therefore matter to us.

In addition to our global mission work, this June we have the opportunity to partner with the North American Missions Board (NAMB) to contribute to the Annie Armstrong Offering.

What Is The Annie Armstrong Offering?

The NAMB Annie Armstrong Offering is named after Annie Armstrong, a tireless servant of God and a contagious advocate and supporter of mission efforts throughout the world. She led women to unite in mission endeavors that ultimately led to the formation of the Woman’s Missionary Union, for which she served as the first corresponding secretary.

Through the Annie Armstrong Offering, NAMB helps missionaries reach an estimated 259 million lost people in the United States and Canada for Christ. In 1895, when the annual offering began, gifts totaled roughly $5,000. Today, NAMB set its national goal for the offering at $70 million. At Foothills, we want to do our part and have set our own goal.

Our Goal for 2017 = $25,000

Year after year, Annie Armstrong came up with new ways to get missions information out to the churches, to stir up missions efforts and to raise more prayer support and money for missions. She was doing what she could to reach the lost. And now it’s our turn.

How You Can Help Reach The Lost

Over the next few weeks you will be hearing us speak more about Annie Armstrong and how you can contribute to this offering. We are asking everybody to give above and beyond their normal giving. When you give to this offering, 100 percent of your gift will be transformed into missionary salaries and ministry supplies. Those missionaries and supplies will help others hear the message of Christ and respond in faith to His offer of salvation.

On Sunday, June 4, we will collect this offering during our two morning services. This will be your opportunity to give financially, and help us live out our core value of reaching lost people.

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