The Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions enables the North American Mission Board (NAMB) to train, resource and send missionaries to plant churches and help the hurting across the U.S., Territories and Canada.
Every gift to the Annie Offering – 100% – supports more than 5,000 missionaries across North America.
Our Goal for 2018 = $20,000
Foothills chooses to partner with NAMB through our giving because we have a shared faith and mission. To make the Good News of Jesus known to our neighbors across this nation. We partner locally with NAMB sponsored church planters like Anthony Cox at Mercy Hill Church, Phoenix, and Shea Ferguson at Freedom Life Church, Chandler.
Phoenix itself has been designated as a SEND City in recognition not only of the size of our city (#5 in the nation) but also because so many in our city have no relationship with Christ.
How You Can Help Reach The Lost
Over the next few weeks, you will be hearing us speak more about Annie Armstrong and how you can contribute to this offering. We are asking everybody to give above and beyond their normal giving. When you give to this offering, 100 percent of your gift will be transformed into missionary salaries and ministry supplies. Those missionaries and supplies will help others hear the message of Christ and respond in faith to His offer of salvation.
On Sunday, May 6, we will collect this offering during our two morning services. This will be your opportunity to give financially, and help us live out our core value of reaching lost people.
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