The End of the Beginning

The book of Acts records the history of the first 30 years of the church. In Luke’s gospel, he wrote about “all Jesus began to do and teach before the […]
Circumstances and Sovereignty

We’re all facing pressures and stresses unique to this crisis. It’s interfered with our ability to grieve the lost of a loved one the way we would expect. It’s interrupted […]
Persuading Others to Believe

The Apostle Paul had a conviction – we should try to persuade everyone everywhere to believe in Jesus. Do you want everyone to become a Christian? Do you think we […]
An Ordinary Church

Almost everyone, attenders and non-attenders, have ideas about what the church is and how it should function. Acts 20 gives us the elements of an “ordinary” church: Unshakable Convictions, Spirit-given […]
Three Responses to the Gospel

The gospel message is a singular message, but it provokes different responses from different people. For some in Ephesus, they responded with repentance – and it cost them a fortune. […]
Make Disciples – Teach Them

How do people come to faith in Christ? How do Christians grow in Christ? One thing is central to both – the scriptures. Apart from the scriptures, apart from teaching […]
Don’t Give Up!

Rejection and failure affect all of us at some level. Who likes to share something of importance and deep personal value only to have it rejected, questioned, or mocked? When […]
Making Known the Unknown God

Maybe your neighbor has this bumper sticker, “Coexist.” That was Athens when the Apostle Paul entered it on his second missionary journey. Athens was like a college town. Philosophy, art, […]
Giving and Receiving the Scriptures

Once again in Acts we see the Apostles proclaiming the gospel. And we see people respond much the same way as we have, some are persuaded and some are jealous […]
The Disrupting Affects of the Gospel and the Power of Jesus

This text introduces us to a significant event in the history of the world. Today, people tour the great Cathedrals of Europe. But before there were Cathedrals, a small group […]