Jesus: The Hero of the Scriptures

The resurrection of Jesus is an event that should give people perspective; perspective about what really matters in life; perspective about details that eternally matter. Scripture: Luke 24:13-35
He’s Not Here! A Theology of Remembrance

Harvard Professor Ernest Wright said this: in biblical faith everything depends upon whether the central events actually occurred or not. In Luke 24:1-12 we see one of the central truths […]
The Fame of the Crucified King

Calvin Miller said, “It’s difficult to look at a naked, beaten man and see anything kingly about him. How odd that in the fullness of time, Herod would be remembered […]
When Darkness Reigns

On the darkest night in history, Jesus prayed alone – submitting to the will of the Father, and he stood alone – doing the will of the Father so that […]
Conspiracy – Counter Conspiracy

The life of Jesus is in its final hours, and two conspiracies are about to collide. One would end in death – Jesus, crucified and buried. One would end in […]
A Clear Vision Of Tomorrow Clarifies My Choices Today

In Luke, Jesus is sharing some things about the future that are intended to instill comfort in an otherwise uncomfortable climate/culture/context; confidence and hope in an otherwise hopeless situation. But […]
King Jesus

We live with a tension to be autonomous, to call our own shots, and a bent to give control of our lives to someone or something else. Truth is, we […]