Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
In the next several weeks, you will start to hear a lot about the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Lottie Moon is the namesake of the international missions offering that Foothills […]
Rio Vista Center Food Drive Report
Thank you for donating food to support our partner, Rio Vista Center. Outreach has been a big part of Foothills history and continues to be so. If you are not familiar […]
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
In the next several weeks, you will start to hear a lot about the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Lottie Moon is the namesake of the international missions offering that Foothills […]
Lottie Moon: Across the World, Across the Street
Pastor Keith Wieser says students from his church go regularly to Asia with the hopes of seeing hearts changed by the gospel. But what they find is an added blessing […]
Lottie Moon: Relentless Love
Sao Paulo, Brazil, is a huge city, yet God sets His affections on individuals and pursues them personally. That’s a reality that two young women serving there find overwhelming. They see that God’s unfailing love is breaking down barriers and changing hearts.
Lottie Moon: Open Heart
Larry Pepper had his dream job, but one day he realized he hadn’t offered his career to God. As he put everything on the table for the sake of the gospel, God led his family on an adventure he could’ve never imagined.
Annie Offering for North American Missions
Global missions is a calling God has given Foothills and this May we have an opportunity to contribute to missions through the Annie Armstrong Offering.
Lottie Moon and the Mission Experience
We are midway through our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering with only a few weeks left to give. It’s an exciting time to be part of something that is much bigger […]
Why Your Pastors Are Sending Your Money to Calgary
Mission trips are crucial to spread the Gospel but is also a great opportunity to introduce our students to missions and start planting those seeds. By now you’ve heard all […]
Partnering in Calgary
Living in Ahwatukee and the surrounding area, we are blessed to have many Christ-serving churches, including Foothills. God has truly blessed our community. As blessed as we are, not all […]