Forgiven People = Happy People

Confession is a powerful tool that God has given to us to retool or recalibrate our relationship regarding our thoughts, attitudes and affections so that we’re walking in a right […]
The King of Glory

When we believe in Jesus and the victory he made through his cross/resurrection, we, despite having dirty hands, an impure heart and continually lifting up our lives to ideas and/or […]
The Practical Atheism

A fool is someone who lives their life without the direction or acknowledgment of God. In their heart they say “there is no God” even if they simultaneously confess the […]
The Pathway of the Blessed

Frank Sinatra’s song “My Way” expresses one of America’s highest aspirations/ideals, that of the self-made man, the self-sufficient/reliant woman; we don’t need anyone. I’m autonomous/independent. I’ll do things my way. […]