What’s the Mission of the Church?

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Over the last 20-30 years, churches and individual Christians have plunged into short-term and long-term missions like never before. Thousands have been deployed: digging wells, building schools, caring for orphans, […]

God’s Heart for the Nations

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The Bible is a collection of 66 books that tell a single story from Genesis to Revelation. You can follow that story through four acts: Creation, Fall, Redemption and Restoration. […]

Run That Race!

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Paul had left behind the pursuit of attempting to earn God’s favor and now is resting in Jesus’ work, not on his own morality or good words. He’s now a […]

Christ-Centered Obedience

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We move through seasons of our lives when it’s hard. That’s when we need to “set our hope fully on the grace that will be revealed when Jesus comes”.

Invisible to Visible

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There are two types of people – those who ask “What do I get?” and those who ask “What do I get to do?” Jesus makes the invisible in our heart visible […]