COVID-19 is putting increased pressure on our city and state. Yesterday we had our highest number of new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths for one day. Our Governor also issued a new executive order this week closing some businesses and limiting gatherings to 50 or fewer.
Constitutionally, we understand that as a church we are exempt from this order, however, beginning this Sunday, July 5, we are suspending our public worship gatherings until further notice.
We will continue to livestream worship on Sunday mornings, so please join us for worship each week!
It grieves us to make this decision, but our Elder Team believes this to be the wise choice for now.
We want to thank the team of men and women who worked hard each week disinfecting the facility between services!
While we continue to navigate these difficult days, let the uncertainties, adjustments, and decisions continually drive us to Jesus. Keep relying on the presence and power of the Spirit to love your family and others around you well.
And let’s pray together, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19