Children are a blessing! It just so happens that Foothills Preschool Classrooms continue to receive more and more blessings every week. One way of describing our current blessing count is we are bursting at the seams.
Often adults believe they are not equipped or qualified to teach – hey, Moses felt the same way. Truthfully, the only qualifications we require are a servants attitude, a loving heart for children and a loving heart for Jesus. We also require a background check for security and state requirements. Any necessary training will be provided.
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
We cannot quantify the level of blessing we provide to the little ones when we speak the truth and love of Jesus into their lives. It’s something we each have the ability to do – now might be your moment to step into this powerful opportunity.
Our need for Sunday morning volunteers is great for our 9:00 am and our 10:45 am services. Email Kim Anderson for more details.