On Sunday, February 22, students from Foothills Baptist returned from Disciple Now, as one leader put it, “fired up.” Don’t just take it at surface value, here is what one of those students had to say:
“This past weekend was amazing and I’m still so happy from what we did Saturday at Neighborhood Ministries! Now that it is over, I have more questions about the Word and spreading God’s message.” – Jacob, age 17.
What Is Discipleship Now?
Disciple Now, or DNow as the students call it, is a local in-home discipleship and evangelism retreat for students in grades 6-12. Foothills students spend an entire weekend with their friends in what we call Host Homes. A host home is simply the home of a family with middle school and/or high school students from Foothills Baptist Church. Some of these host homes are also families that do not have students in our student ministry. This event is an opportunity for families to open their homes to our students, whether they have kids or not.
Each year our students look forward to DNow because the experience is so unique and transformational. Twenty-fifteen was no exception.
“These students are excited about Jesus and getting clarity about their purpose in life. They really loved learning together. It was super encouraging to see the way they loved each other and the Lord. They are eager to be for their city and the people more than ever.”
DNow 2015 was February 20-22 and when it rolls around in 2016, we know students will once again be excited to participate. Check out these pictures from February.