Pastor Keith Wieser says students from his church go regularly to Asia with the hopes of seeing hearts changed by the gospel. But what they find is an added blessing – they are changed too, and when they come back, their passion for missions changes the culture of their church.
Across the World, Across the Street
Lottie Moon is the name given to the international missions offering we participate in every Christmas. Lottie was just like today’s missionaries, laboring tirelessly to tell people about Jesus.
Your contribution to the Lottie Moon Offering will provide direct funding to real people who are doing the physical work of delivering the gift of Jesus to people who don’t know him. This is a gift that changes the world… literally.
You call Foothills your church. As such, your challenge is to contribute financially to the same work Lottie dedicated her life to. Your time to do so will be Sunday, December 9.
Our Goal for 2018 = $40,000
There are opportunities to physically do the work of Jesus and there are opportunities to fund the work of Jesus. The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is our way to fund the work of Jesus.
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