In the next several weeks, you will start to hear a lot about the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Lottie Moon is the namesake of the international missions offering that Foothills participates in every Christmas with Southern Baptist’s across the world. Lottie was just like today’s missionaries, laboring tirelessly so that people without access to the Gospel could come to know Jesus.
The great thing about the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is that 100% of your generous gifts will be used to provide missionaries the services they need to live among the unreached peoples they serve. Currently, there are 3,678 missionaries on the field. 847 people groups are engaged through the work of the IMB. These missionaries live and work among those around the world with little to no access to the gospel.
As one who calls Foothills your church home, you will be challenged to contribute spiritually, financially, and physically to the very same work Lottie dedicated her life to. We could not be more excited to see what God does through all of us this Christmas season.
Our Goal for 2019 = $45,000
In our worship services over the next several weeks, you will see videos of some of our partners in the mission field overseas. The Lottie Moon Christmas offering will help support missionaries just like them, providing things like language education, children’s education, security training, Bibles, tools, medical needs, refugee care, and much more!
Will you pray with your family for missionaries serving in the fields? The week of December 1-8, we will provide you with a prayer guide of specific needs. Please, also pray to see how much God would have your family sacrificially give to help the gospel be unleashed into all of the world. Our official “Give Sunday” will be December 20, but you can contribute at any time.
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