Partnering in Calgary

Living in Ahwatukee and the surrounding area, we are blessed to have many Christ-serving churches, including Foothills. God has truly blessed our community. As blessed as we are, not all communities are this fortunate. There are places all over the world that lack churches and the community it builds. Calgary, Canada is one of those places.

We’ve already shared Dan and Amber Sweaza’s story; in this video you will get to see the city God has called them to serve.

[av_video src=’′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ custom_class=” av_uid=’av-3u3cp3′]

As you saw on the video, only 5% of the city of Calgary has a relationship with God, but God has other plans. He is calling people like Dan and Amber to transform this city and spread the Gospel.

On June 4, our students will be going to Calgary for a short-term mission trip to help this church plant. This is one way Foothills, as a church, is partnering with Dan and Amber to help plant Connect Church in Calgary. We are also partnering with them by supporting them financially. Many of you have contributed to the Connect Church Calgary Offering, but if you haven’t, you have another chance here. Click on the button below to help fund and support a church that will help spread the Gospel.

Contribute to the Connect Church Calgary Offering now.

[av_button label=’Contribute Now’ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’large’ position=’left’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ custom_class=” av_uid=’av-2x32x3′]