We’re already weeks into the fall and schedules seem to be busier than ever. To that end, I wanted to encourage you to be prayerful about one of our measures and one of our values that speak to lostness. Our measure of “Am I close to someone far from God?” speaks of a relational closeness to people who aren’t believers in Jesus. Why do we do this? One reason, among many, is one of the things we value at Foothills is lost people.
So here’s some details I’d like to encourage you to pray through this month:
- Father, help me live a consistent Christian life around my family, neighbors, co-workers so that I might have the opportunity to speak to them about Jesus.
- Father, grant me boldness to share about the joy, forgiveness, peace and hope I have in your Son Jesus.
- Father, may I see spiritual fruit in the lives of the people around me. May some that do not know Jesus as Savior/King come to a saving knowledge; may some who aren’t interested in Jesus begin to take steps towards Jesus and may you give me a steadfastness in my spirit to keep asking, seeking and knocking because you’re a good Father and want to answer your kids when they pray.