The smile of a child, especially during Christmas, is something that will warm your heart. You will be surprised how many children will go through Christmas never receiving a gift or hearing the story of the greatest gift of all, Jesus. Unfortunately, this is the reality of many children in this world. This is where Operation Christmas Child comes in.
By filling a shoebox with some fun and practical items, you’ll get to share the joy of Christmas and the Gospel with a child somewhere in the world. This year, Foothills collected 375 boxes! How amazing is that? Not only that, Foothills volunteers logged 107 hours of service to make the boxes project possible!
You would think that it stops there, but our collection was added to boxes from other churches in Ahwatukee, the South Valley and South Mountain areas of Phoenix for a total of 24,764 shoeboxes. That is a whole lot of shoeboxes for a lot of smiling kids.
The boxes are on their way to the California Processing Center and will be shipped to Peru, Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Mongolia and to Native Americans.
Once again, this could not have been possible without every one of you coming together and making this happen. It is your generosity that will bring a smile to a less fortunate child and will allow them to learn about the Gospel.