Our Ahwatukee church has an ongoing partnership with the Rio Vista Center. This is a Christian organization that responds to the needs of the Valley’s less fortunate through compassionate initiatives and efforts focused directly on the needs of the community.
On Sunday, August 28, we are restarting our annual food drive for Rio Vista and together we will fill up their pantry, giving their workers the supply of food they need to take care of those in their care.
Just like 2015, we will park a white pick-up truck on the front patio of the worship center and we are asking you to “fill up this truck.” Last year we filled the truck four times.
Our goal for the 2016 Rio Vista Food Drive is to fill the pick-up truck six times! Will you help us?
Anyone ready to fill it up again this week? This is what GO is all about.
Rio Vista Food Drive – together we will equip…
Posted by Foothills Baptist Church on Thursday, September 3, 2015
So bring your non-perishables and get ready to bless the lives of others who are our local, Arizona neighbors.
More About Specific Needs
To participate in the Food Drive bring non-perishables on the first Sunday in August and during the entire month of September. Donations can be dropped off in the office during the week as well. In addition to general non-perishables, items that have been specifically requested by Rio Vista are provided below.
List of Needed Items
- Peanut butter
- Tuna
- Canned vegetables & fruit
- Cereal
- Rice
- Pasta & pasta sauce
- Granola bars
- Other non-perishable food
Let’s fill up the truck!