Joshua is a book full of themes like God’s holiness, judgment, grace and mercy, power, and faithfulness. It’s full of stories that create tension for us today as Christians. Richard Dawkins, the well-known atheist, refers to the book regularly in derogatory terms.
In chapter 1, we’re introduced to one of the biggest themes in the book: the faithfulness of God and our faithfulness to God. Questions to wrestle with are: Is there anything that causes you to doubt God’s faithfulness to you? And, what, if anything, hinders your faithfulness to God?
This message teaches us three lessons: God has given us His promised land; God calls His chosen leader to be courageous and obedient; God calls His people to follow His leader together.
Scripture: Joshua 1:1-18, 21:43-45; Hebrews 3-4, 13:5-6; Ephesians 1:14, 17-18, 5:5; Matthew 11:28-29; John 14:3; Philippians 1:6