Christians ought to be indistinguishable from others in society in many ways. And yet, our lives should be extraordinarily different in particular ways. Death is a universal human experience, but for the Christian, it should be very different.
Death had forced the believers in Thessalonica to say goodbye to some of their loved ones. They were grieving and they had questions: “When Jesus returns, will my loved one be left behind, left out?” “When Christ returns, will they miss it?”
Paul writes to fill in the gaps about what they know and to tell them that when death forces you to say goodbye to a loved one in Christ, grieve with a sure hope and comfort one another with this truth: because Jesus is risen, He will leave no one behind at His return.
For Christians, there’s a difference: a different death, a complex grief, and a sure hope. There are four reasons why no one is left behind: Return, Resurrection, Rapture, and Reunion. So how will you respond?
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5; James 2; Philippians 1; Genesis 50:11; John 11:35; Mark 13:26-27; 1 Corinthians 15:50-57; Ephesians 2:1-2; John 14:1-3