One Thing

Brian McCoy


July 25, 2021

Psalm 27 is precious to many generations of followers of Christ because it is a clear, gripping description of life. David speaks about God in this Psalm, with great confidence, fearlessness in the face of trouble.

But then he cries out to God with desperation, not wanting God to forsake him, needing His wisdom and protection in the face of circumstances that have made him afraid. But he ends, preaching to himself, leaning into his “one thing.”

Like applying the brakes to a runaway roller coaster, David gets his emotions in check, not by positive thinking or toughening up, but by filling his mind and heart with God’s truth, knowing that God, in time, will bring him through.

Scripture: Psalm 27; Gen. 1; Galatians 4; Psalm 25:9

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