Divine Adoption

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God looked down on the hopelessness of humanity, and He took action by sending forth His Son, for the intended purpose of redeeming His people, with the desired result of […]

Missions – The Work of the Spirit, Part 2

Today, “missions” has become any work a local church does outside of its community to improve the lives of people living in other places. But in Acts 13-14, the clear […]

Tale of Two Kings

Acts 12 is like a door that closes the first half of the book, focused on the Apostle Peter and the gospel going to the Jews, and opening to the […]

Grace Enough for Everyone

This text is about how the gospel penetrates a new people – the Gentiles. It shows us the conversion of Cornelius, a Roman Centurion and his household. But it also […]

Scattered with the Gospel for the Joy of the City

At this point in Acts, the church has experienced significant growth. Thousands of people have come to faith. At the same time, the Apostles have faced significant trouble: arrests, imprisonment, […]

Growing Pains

Acts is an amazing history of how God unleashed the gospel into the world through the church. Yale historian, Kenneth Scott Latourette notes, “Never in so short a time has […]

Boldness In Trouble

If you have shared the gospel or your story of faith with many people, then you’ve run into “trouble.” Some people are antagonistic, others can be apathetic, and a few […]

Who Is Jesus?

Acts 3 is an example of the “signs and wonders” being done at the hands of the Apostles Luke refers to in Acts 2:43. Peter and John, going to the […]