The Gift of Hope
Because GOD is faithful, we have Hope! Scripture: Psalm 16; Judges 17:6, 21:25; Genesis 25:29-34; Exodus 29:40-41; Leviticus 23:13; Numbers 15:5-7; Philippians 2:17; 2 Timothy 4:6; Psalms 1:1; Proverbs 1:5, […]
A Prayer and a Promise for Unfinished People

Paul brings his first and deeply affirming, encouraging letter to the Thessalonians to a close. He prays that their sanctification, God’s will for them, will be finished and through at […]
No One Left Behind: Hope and Comfort in the Face of Death

Christians ought to be indistinguishable from others in society in many ways. And yet, our lives should be extraordinarily different in particular ways. Death is a universal human experience, but […]
The Church that Lasts

We face questions in life that are different at every stage. But after 20+ years of building a career or family, there is one question that keeps you up at […]
Evidences of Grace

The “Nones” are the fastest growing part of our population in the US. They’re the people who check the box “None” on survey’s asking, Which religion do you most closely […]
The Glorious King

Isaiah gives hope to God’s people by describing a Glorious King who would usher in a Kingdom that would provide a glorious rest. Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-10
God Is Omniscient and Omnipresent

Omniscience and omnipresence are not words that we use in casual conversation. They are reserved, with few exceptions, to discussions related to the study of the Person of God. The […]
The Commitment to Bless Despite Sin!

God hasn’t forgotten you. You don’t fight alone. You don’t go out into this crazy world alone. You will never be alone (a lie from the enemy). No matter how […]
The Nature of Our Resurrection

Is heaven a real place? Or is it merely symbolic? Wayne Grudem writes, “Stephen did not see mere symbols… It was rather that his eyes were opened to see a […]
The Call to Be Heavenly Minded

The man who is about to sail for Australia or New Zealand as a settler is naturally anxious to know something about his future home, its climate, its employment, its […]