Stand Firm for Glory
Since we are appointed to possess the glory of Christ, we are commanded to stand firm and hold to His word. Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
A Prayer and a Promise for Unfinished People
Paul brings his first and deeply affirming, encouraging letter to the Thessalonians to a close. He prays that their sanctification, God’s will for them, will be finished and through at […]
The Day of the Lord
The Day of the Lord seems to be a fundamental teaching for believers. Jesus Himself spoke of it as “the coming of the Son of Man.” The Apostles of Christ […]
Sexual Purity
We live in a sexualized society. And while we’re 2,000 years removed from Paul’s letter to the new followers of Christ in the church of Thessalonica, our cultural situation is […]
Please God
We all know people who are hard to please. Maybe their standards are so high you can’t please them, or they change their minds about what they prefer, or they’ve […]
Godly Ethics at Work
We all want to work with people who have a solid work ethic, but ethics at work aren’t always clear. People feel the pressure to conform to a culture in […]
Wise Words
We speak and use words hundreds of times a day. Conversations, text, email, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, it seems we never stop communicating. And all in the hopes that our […]
Growing Pains
Acts is an amazing history of how God unleashed the gospel into the world through the church. Yale historian, Kenneth Scott Latourette notes, “Never in so short a time has […]
Unacceptable Love Part 2
Before a parent would die for their child, they die to self. Love is not first found in the big outward acts of dying for another person, but inwardly dying […]
Unacceptable Love Part 1
Jesus calls His people to love one another with a supernatural love, so much so as to joyfully participate in one another’s pursuit of holiness. Scripture: John 1:1-17