Foothills Baptist Church participates in an annual Thanksgiving Food Bag Drive to collect food for families who would not otherwise have a Thanksgiving meal. With the generosity from our church, our goal is to completely fill 160 Thanksgiving Food Bags to be distributed by Rio Vista Center.
Rio Vista Center is a Southern Baptist Mission; many of the surrounding Southern Baptist churches also support Rio Vista. Thanksgiving Food Bags are just one initiative put on by this giving organization. Rio Vista offers the community a food/clothing closet and job support as well as running New Life Pregnancy Center, helping young families and single moms in any way they can.
Our church continues to step up to the challenge – we invite you to do so again this year. This is a great way to show the love of Jesus to others. If you have children, it is also a great teaching opportunity to demonstrate to your children the act of giving and caring. Shop with them and have conversations about why you’re filling a bag with food.
Food Bag Details
Basha’s has generously provided us with the paper bags that will be filled; volunteers have stapled a shopping list to each bag. To participate, all you need to do is pickup a bag on Sunday morning (starting November 9), purchase the listed items and return the filled bag to Foothills Baptist by November 20. In addition to the items listed, we are requesting a $10 check payable to FBC accompany each bag. This money is used to purchase a turkey for the family.
Traditionally, a team of men deliver the majority of the bags to Rio Vista for distribution and the remainder of the bags are delivered directly to families whom we have supported through the years.
If you have questions, please email Sharon Pace.