The Gospel and Same-Sex Marriage

Through the years I’ve personally known four men who struggled with SSA, Same Sex Attraction. Two of them eventually immersed themselves in a lifestyle of homosexuality. Two have faithfully sought to counter those desires with the power of the Gospel.

If you believe that the Scripture teaches God’s design for human relationships is rooted in monogamous, covenant marriage, between one man and one woman reflecting the reality of Christ and the Church, then how do we respond to the winds of change in the sexual ethics of our culture?

Certainly there are legal concerns over the implications of court rulings and legislation. But I’m mostly concerned with how we respond to a son or daughter, or friend who confides in us their struggle with same-sex attraction, or who may be questioning their gender identity. How do we respond when co-worker or neighbor talks to us about why Christians are so “anti-gay”? And how do we determine how to respond if we are ever invited to attend a same-sex marriage?

An Invitation

For help with these and other questions join us for The Gospel and Same-Sex Marriage: Equipping the Church for a Post-Marriage Culture, presented by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The simulcast is Wednesday, July 29 from 6-9:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. The cost is $5.00 per person and you can register to attend here.

Childcare will be provided along with snacks, coffee and water.

For more information on the speakers and schedule click here.

Final Thoughts

Years ago my response to two of those men was so abrupt and abrasive that it severed any sort of potentially redemptive conversation. Maybe you’ve had a similar experience, or you’ve just changed the subject, unsure about how to respond? If you want to be equipped so that the Gospel informs your thinking, attitudes and conversations, register today!

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