What’s your center, your north star, the principle or truth that helps you navigate your life and lets you know when you’re off center? In this passage, we read one of the better known statements by Paul where he says, “For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
What does that mean? Is it some sort of morbid desire to die prematurely (die is gain) OR some statement from a person who’s so “heavenly minded he’s no earthly good?”
The message of the Bible, specifically Jesus, is the medicine your soul needs in the face of the sweetness and goodness of life but it’s also the medicine your soul needs given the bitter pill that life offers. Paul reminds us that our hearts will experience unrest if they’re rooted in anything or anyone other than Him. Cast your affections, ambitions, desires upon Him.
Scripture: Philippians 1: 18-26