You know there are certain events in the calendar year that children love participating in. To them, it is having fun and playing – to us, we see a chance to share the gospel with those children and their families. Vacation Bible School is one of these yearly events where children get to play and have fun an entire week and parents know the blessing that is being shared with their children.
Vacation Bible School 2016
This year, we are taking children through a journey called “Submerged: Finding Truth Below the Surface.” This will be an adventure like no other, deep within the mysterious sea. As kids submerge themselves in God’s Word, they will discover that Jesus didn’t just see what’s on the outside of people. He looked deep down on the inside.
Although VBS is a few months away, preparation is starting now. If you’ve been part of VBS in the past or had your kids participate in VBS you know there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Our Foothills staff goes out of their way to make it a memorable experience for your kids but we need your help.
Applying to Be a Volunteer
We invite you to join us on this amazing, memorable week. We are building a big team, and there is room for you! If you want to know more about how you could serve during VBS, please click on the button below to sign up to become a volunteer. Jeanne and/or Kim will be in touch with you soon!
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