God Gets the Last Word

Since the beginning, the Church has faced afflictions and persecutions. The Thessalonian church was enduring persecutions and Paul wrote to encourage them in their faith, instruct them for their faith, […]

Don’t Give Up!

Rejection and failure affect all of us at some level. Who likes to share something of importance and deep personal value only to have it rejected, questioned, or mocked? When […]

The Promised Son

The people to whom Isaiah speaks, the people of the northern Kingdom of Israel, have turned their backs to God. They remain spiritual people, but they no longer seek God’s […]

The Surprising Truth About Suffering

The fact is that everyone experiences periods of suffering. That is true for individuals, families, and churches. Unfortunately, many Christians seem to believe that pain is the greatest evil. We […]

The King Is Born!

Christ is the great central fact of the world’s history. To him, everything looks forward or backward. All the lines of history converge upon him. All the great purposes of […]

Strength for Suffering

Ahwatukee Church, the Book of 1 Peter

When the cultural powers stack the deck against the people of God, as they were beginning to do in Peter’s day, how do we live and walk every day with […]

He Has Chosen You

The Biblical teaching of Election is such a theologically charged subject. What’s the relationship between Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility? Does it eliminate the necessity or urgency of evangelism? And how do I know if I am chosen?