East Asia Update 4

As I started to prepare for the trip to China, I wondered, why me, Lord? Do I have enough knowledge about Him to share with the Chinese students? God graciously showed me through Ephesians 2:10 that I am created in Christ Jesus for good works that He has prepared beforehand and we should walk in them.

Over the last week and a half, I have met a lot of students and spent personal time with a handful of them. I have learned that these students are truly interested in the gospel. They have questions and are seeking understanding about God and His character.

I met a student named Willa for the first time at a Bible study. A few days later we got together to have lunch and walked around her campus. I asked her what she thought about the Bible study we had been to and asked her if anyone in her family was a Christian. She said that her family has no faith and that she is open to becoming a Christian someday. I shared with her two of my favorite Bible stories and verses, one being the Prodigal Son (which was what the Bible study we went to was on) and the other was in Matthew 8:23-27 where the disciples were on the boat and the sea was covering the boat with waves while Jesus was sleeping. She had never heard those verses from Matthew 8 and she said she would read them. That same day I went to a butterfly museum with her and standing there amongst all the flowers, trees, butterflies, and ponds I was amazed by God’s creation so in that moment I shared that with her as well. How amazing is God that he created the heavens and the earth.

My favorite moment so far was last night, and in that moment I felt the Lord’s presence more than I have ever in my life. I went to dinner with Willa, Robin, and Samuel (a teacher from the university like AK). We went to his apartment after dinner and Samuel opened up conversation by asking do either of you have any questions about the Bible. Robin had questions about being a Christian and having a girlfriend who is not a Christian. We were able to share with him what the Bible says about marrying someone who is equally yoked. From there we transitioned to our purpose and he asked me what I think my purpose is in life. I shared with him God’s purpose for me right now is to be a mom and to teach my children about God’s love. That I do that by example: reading the Bible, praying, worship, and having a relationship with Him. Then Willa asked, “how do we have a relationship with God and how do we know when God is speaking to us?” We shared with them the story in John 3:1-17. Both Samuel and I shared how God speaks to us personally and that it is different for everyone, but you have to accept Jesus as your Savior to have the Holy Spirit inside of you. Once you have asked Jesus into your heart then the Holy Spirit will dwell with in you and you will hear God speak to you.

In those moments, last night, I know that God was directing that conversation and He was speaking through us. I also realized that these students are no different from the people I encounter daily in the United States that do not know the Lord. I thought that this was going to be hard, sharing the gospel with these students, but it has not been. Why then do I find it difficult to share the gospel at home with people that I know? My prayer is that these students have seen Jesus in us and that they will desire to know Jesus someday for themselves. Also that God would change me and help me to share about His love when I get home…that it will not end for me in China.

– Mindy Olson