This past Sunday I preached the first of two messages on Foothills’ measures, which were “Have I met with God today?” and “Am I close to someone far from God?” I mentioned in my sermon that I’d put a short little word in the weekly e-mail on questions I ask when I read the Bible, as well as a format I use when talking to Jesus (i.e. prayer).
When I read the Bible here are some questions I think through, which I gleaned from Tim Keller’s book Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God:
- Example: Is there an example to follow?
- Error: Is there any error for me to avoid?
- Promise: Is there a promise for me to claim?
- Thought: Is there any thought about God Himself?
- Life: Am I living in light of this?
- Difference: What difference does this passage make?
- Posture: Am I taking this seriously?
- Action: If I believed and held to this how would that change things?
- Remember: When I forget this, how does that affect me and all my relationships?
- Good news: How does God do the same for us—only better—in Jesus?
- Believe it: How does believing this good news change how we live?
When I have a conversation with God (i.e. pray) I work through this model:
- Confession – confessing my sins to God
- Adoration – praising Him for who He is
- Thanksgiving – thanking Him for any number of details
- Supplication – asking for specific details in the lives of believers or unbelievers
Over the coming weeks Pastor Nate will be creating and sharing videos demonstrating how these questions above, and additional questions just like them, can be used in Bible Study.
If you are not already receiving our weekly church email, you can subscribe here and you will receive a notification when the first video is made available.