We’re called to love Jesus with all of our heart, soul and mind. This is a love that recognizes and chooses to follow something which is righteous, noble, and true regardless of what your feelings in the matter may be.
To love Jesus with our heart, soul and mind is to embrace Him in our deepest convictions and commitments; to love Him supremely more than anything/anyone else; to fix our affections on Him and be willing to give up everything we hold dear at His command.
Think of the great commandment and Jesus — was there ever a portion of Jesus’ heart, soul, mind and strength that was not completely yielded to the Father? Did He ever hold back His love for the Father? Were his deepest convictions/commitments ever not God-oriented? Did he ever love/treasure anything else more supremely than doing the will of the Father? Was there anything that the Father revealed to Jesus that Jesus just said, “Nah, not a big deal…gonna ignore that!”
Every second of Jesus’ life He kept this commandment. Let’s look to him for power to live the life that God calls us to live.
Scripture: Matthew 22:33-40; Mark 12:28-34; Luke 10:25-37