Lord, Teach Us To Pray!

If we are to call ourselves Christians, then prayer must be a part of our DNA. Scripture: Luke 22:39-46

Being Set Apart By The King

In Matthew 28:16-20, we come to the end of a journey with Jesus – birth, life, death, burial and resurrection. These five verses are called the Great Commission. What does […]

Jesus Our King

Jesus is not the king we (or Israel) asked for or wanted, but He is the king we desperately need. He is a paradoxical king. He didn’t come to overthrow […]

Jesus Is Our Great High Priest

Jesus is our great high priest who offers Himself for our atonement, which means He steps in on our behalf and pays the penalty and consequence for our sin. As […]

Jesus Our Prophet

In the Old Testament, God anointed people for special roles. He anointed prophets to be the change agents for society, speaking His word to the people. He anointed priests to […]

Don’t Take the Best Seat in the House

Jesus heals a man whose physical ailment is symptomatic of the religious leader’s spiritual ailment and he does so to confront the thinking the religious leader’s had regarding who God’s […]

The Unstoppable Kingdom

What is the Kingdom of God? How do we know the King of this kingdom and what is the nature of this kingdom? In Luke 13:10-21 Jesus shares two truths […]

The King’s Invitation

We all understand there is a brevity to life; one day a loved one is here and the next day they’re gone. The situation is familiar with all to us, […]

Hearing Rightly Is The Key To Life

Jesus often used the power of stories to point those He encountered to a new reality of God’s goodness and grace. That’s because He understood that people connected easily with […]

Courageous Christianity

How is a courageous Christian described? How do we bear witness to faith in Jesus in the face of opposition? How can we stay true/faithful to Jesus? Jesus shares five […]