This Fall at Foothills

You are not meant to live life alone. God has a much bigger purpose for you. The God of the entire universe knows you and the desire of His heart is to be in a growing relationship with you. How do we grow a relationship with a God whom we can’t see? Through His Word.

Growth in any relationship is a challenge and God has given us His church as a community through which we all grow together. Through prioritizing relationships with a church family, you experience the community that God meant for you to enjoy all along. When we come together to worship, amazing things can happen. This is what we mean when we say, “We Are Better Together.”

Summer is coming to an end and Fall is upon us. That means that our mid-week services are returning!

We encourage you to get plugged into our church this Fall and here are a few ways you can do that.

Foothills Group
Starts August 20

Foothills Groups are smaller communities of individuals from a variety of backgrounds and different ages coming together to know, love and share the life of Jesus with each other and the world. Groups meet at various locations.

Men’s Bible Study
Mondays, 5:00-6:30pm
August 21-November 13

Men, join us for a bible study starting on Monday, August 21 at 5pm.

Women’s Bible Study – Tuesday Mornings
Tuesdays, 9:00-11:00am
August 22-November 14

Ladies, we invite you to join us for an 11-week discovery of Genesis chapters 1-11. You will come to know your Creator in a deeper way and grow in your worship of Him. You will gain insights into who you are in relationship to Him, and a more complete understanding of your own purpose and how to live.

Our Tuesday Morning Women’s Groups begin on August 22 @ 9am in the Foothills Baptist Church Fellowship Hall.

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Women’s Bible Study – Thursday Evenings
Thursdays, 6:30-8:00pm
August 24-November 16

Ladies, we invite you to join us for an 11-week bible study. Our Thursday Evening Women’s Groups begin on August 24 @ 6:30pm in the Foothills Baptist Church Fellowship Hall.

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The Kitchen
Wednesdays, 5:45-6:30pm
August 23-November 15

Wednesday nights are busy at Foothills – choir, youth group, Awana and Growth Groups all meet at on site. Gathering together is a value for us and with the creation of The Kitchen we gather for dinner at 5:45pm to 6:30pm every Wednesday during the school year for dinner together.

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Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm
August 23-November 15

You have a strong desire for your child to know and understand who Jesus is. Often we are still figuring out, as adults, how what Jesus did impacts our lives; giving our children a head start is how we do what’s best for them.

Parents have different conversations with their children about Christ but there is a feeling and desire to build upon those conversations with age appropriate activities done in groups of other kids. Awana is that group.

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Student Ministry
Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm
August 23-November 15

The relationships that students build during middle and high school go a long way to shape how they view themselves, the world and their faith. You, as a parent, want your child to have a foundational understanding of Christ before they grow up and graduate and Student Ministry at Foothills is here to partner with you.

Our midweek gathering is a central part of our ministry. This is a great opportunity to meet friends, share in the journey of faith and have adult leaders available to provide appropriate spiritual growth opportunities.

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Every other Thursday, 9:00-11:00am
August 24-November 16

This journey of motherhood is best traveled with others. Here at MOPS, we want to do just that – provide you with a tribe of supportive women as you navigate the world of motherhood, faith and life together. MOPS, which stands for “Mothers of Preschoolers,” is for moms with one or more children ages birth through kindergarten. Our local MOPS program is part of an international movement to locally connect moms, no matter their personal or faith background, who share this common bond of raising little ones. Whether you are a working, stay-at-home, rural, urban, adoptive, single or married mom, MOPS is for you.

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