Do You Remember the Time?

featured image for foothills baptist church messages

The Scriptures teach a theology of remembrance, meaning part of our calling as Christians is to daily, hourly remember who Jesus is and who we are in Him. Remembering is […]

Paradise Lost

The big idea from this text is that the blessing of paradise was cursed through sin, but God promised to restore it to blessing again. Genesis 1-2 tells us that […]


When we hear the word “generosity” we first think about a large amount of money. But generosity is not an amount, it’s an attitude. Our path to generosity isn’t more […]

Treasuring Jesus Over Treasuring Riches

Contentment is a feeling or showing satisfaction with one’s possessions, status or situation. The word literally means, “self-sufficiency” but not being independent in terms of not needing God; it’s a […]

A Charge to the Church to Persevere!

If the church is going to persevere and keep their eyes on Jesus, we need to be a people who run from sin, who pursue godliness, who fight for truth […]

Caring for Your Leaders

The culture of a church staff and its members should look different from the world. There should be a love and a respect that members and leaders have for one […]

Biblical Womanhood

There are no ordinary people. You have never met a mere mortal. → C. S. Lewis. We are all persons who will live an eternity, and a woman has an […]

Taking Care Of One Another

What marks the church? Preaching of the gospel, discipline, baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Additionally, when you look at the very beginning of the church you see a care and […]

The Dos and Don’ts of a Healthy Ministry

Focus on godliness as the foundation for all of life. Seeking the disciplines of the faith in following God: reading/studying/living out the Word, work diligently at serving the Lord through […]

Who We Are Because of Who He Is

As the church of the living God, we don’t take our cues from culture. We don’t look to politics to inform/educate ourselves about truth, marriage, leadership. As the church of […]