Rio Vista Center and Foothills

At Foothills, you often hear “Rio Vista Center.” For many years, we’ve been in partnership with this Christian organization that responds compassionately to the needs of those less fortunate in […]

Remembering 9/11 From Genesis to Revelation

Genesis 3 is the infamous account of Adam and Eve choosing to rebel against God’s Word, whereby a number of horrible consequences came forth (Genesis 3:14-21). Adam and Eve chose […]

Rio Vista Food Drive

Our Ahwatukee church has an ongoing partnership with the Rio Vista Center. This is a Christian organization that responds to the needs of the Valley’s less fortunate through compassionate initiatives […]

Children in Worship

Hopefully you have heard a lot about kids being in worship once a month, starting in September. We are really excited about this change, but I’m sure some of you might still have some concerns.

I wanted to provide you with some tips on how to make this a positive experience (for you and your child).

Teaching Our Kids About Worship

You may have heard some variation of the following statements: parents are the primary disciples in a kid’s life or even parents have the most influence in a kid’s life. […]

Vacation Bible School Recap

Vacation Bible School is officially a wrap! After five days full of fun activities and sharing the Gospel, VBS is one for the books. Many families were blessed as we were able […]

VBS at Foothills with Jeanne Nation

VBS is a tradition in the Christian church and throughout all the changes to curriculum, technology and culture, the purpose remains the same: to introduce Jesus to children and families […]