God made us to work, giving us unique callings or vocations through which to love and serve others and bring Him glory, and through our calling/vocation, we live sent as His witnesses to the world. As believers at work, Col. 3, seek His kingdom and set our minds on things above; steer clear of attitudes and actions that were part of our lives before Christ, things we may see in our workplaces; and serve the Lord in your current calling – He is your master, work in a way pleasing to Him. Challenge: Pray for three non-Christians every workday – set a reminder on your phone to do it; let them know you are a Christian; wait and watch God work; imagine how many more non-Christians could be impacted when we all live sent at work!
Scripture: Col. 3:23; Gen. 3:17-19; Col. 3:1-29; Col. 4:2-6