The Lord is My Shepherd

Brian McCoy


July 18, 2021

Probably the most familiar passage in the Bible outside of John 3:16, Psalm 23 has brought comfort to generations of people during sleepless nights facing overwhelming trouble, at the bedside of a hospital patient, and as the text for many funerals and memorials.

David, who had been a shepherd, writes it under the inspiration of the Spirit, teaching his people as God’s chosen king, what God is like – our Good Shepherd (V1-4) and our Gracious Host (V5-6). And he wants them to know that through every danger, toil, and snare this life brings, the Lord is with His people, so we lack nothing and live with the sure hope that He will bring us all the way home!

Scripture: Psalm 23; Genesis 1-3; Mark 6; John 10, 14; Revalations 7:13-16

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