The Majesty of God, The Dignity of Humanity

Brian McCoy


June 20, 2021

Compared to the vastness of creation, humanity seems very puny, weak, and insignificant. But God not only thinks of us, He cares for us. He is in the business of using what appears to be weak, helpless, and insignificant for His good, eternal purposes.

What is man? Who is the man of Psalm 8? There seems to be a progression of thought – Adam, King David, ultimately Jesus! Jesus fulfills and finishes what is obviously unfinished about this ancient Psalm. Because Jesus tasted death, we can be redeemed and restored to our place with Him, ruling and reigning with Him for eternity.

Scripture: Psalm 2; Matthew 21:14-16; Hebrews 2:4-8; 1 Corinthians 15:25

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